Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kaplan Medical: Usmle Step 1 Qbook

Kaplan Medical: Usmle Step 1 Qbook

Are you ready for Step 1 of the USMLE? USMLE Step 1 Qbook from Kaplan Medical – -the leading provider of test preparation for medical licensure – provides you with 850 high-yield exam-style questions, plus Kaplan Medical's highly effective test-taking strategies. Prepare with high-yield medical content tested on the exam. Practice with hundreds of test-like questions and a complete explanation for every answer choice. Pass with Kaplan Medical's powerful strategies for effectively managing your time and minimizing stress. The USMLE Step 1 is an eight-hour, computerized examination that assesses whether you understand and can apply important concepts of the sciences basic to the practice of medicine, with special emphasis on principles and mechanisms underlying health, disease, and modes of therapy. Step 1 ensures you know the science within clinical contexts to safe ly and competently practice medicine under supervision. Step 1 consists of multiple-choice questions designed to measure basic science knowledge, including questions in anatomy, behavioral sciences, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, and interdisciplinary topics, such as nutrition, genetics, and aging. Some questions test what you know per se, but the majority of questions require you to analyze and interpret written, graphic, and tabular material. You'll be called upon to identify gross and microscopic pathologic and normal specimens and to solve problems through application of basic science principles. Step 1 organizes the basic science content tested according to general principles and individual organ systems. Test questions are classified in one of these major areas, depending on whether they focus on concepts and principles that are important across organ systems or within individual organ systems

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