Sunday, September 24, 2017

Smart People? Smarter Animals

Smart People? Smarter Animals

In November 2010, my book, Save The Animals And Children, was published. Sometime before that, a friend said I should write a children’s book but I figured I couldn’t. That changed in late 2010 with my really short book about creatures and the environment – especially that of where I live – written by Wendy the woodchuck. When people ask, I tell them Save The Animals And Children is a sophisticated children’s book about really smart animals. So is this one. It’s also about heroes, the environment, communication, devotion and caring. Over the last few months I have seen programs on television and read quite a few books about smart elephants, orangutans, parrots, cats and dogs, who also display feelings and use intuition. Those five species are only the beginning of the list. Chantek the orangutan may not be able to talk like you or me, but he knows sign language. He knows it well, even creating his own symbols. He probably can curse in it. He’s so smart that he uses tools, emulates Felix Unger, and can tell you where your car is parked so you can take him to the Dairy Queen. Moreover, he leaves his trailer at night – I think he has a date – and to get through the chain link fence, unravels it. Eventually he fixes it so that no one can tell that he escaped that way. Chantek is one smart great ape.

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