Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Pathway Guide To Android App Creation And Publishing

A Pathway Guide To Android App Creation And Publishing

A Pathway Guide to Android App Creation & Publishing is aimed at those who want to create and publish an app but don't know what they need to know, where to start or how to go about it. It assumes little or no knowledge of the development software or computer language involved, so starts from the absolute basics and leads the reader gently step by step along the pathway to becoming a competent and successful app developer. Written by an experienced trainer, clear and detailed instructions are provided at every step of the way. The book is also crammed full of code samples, each with accompanying explanations. These enable the reader to fully understand the code in order to write similar code for their own projects. The book also contains a comprehensive glossary and is peppered with internal and external hyperlinks that can be followed to gain a deeper understanding of selected topics if required. In brief, the book includes: Software installation instructions (The software is free). Overview of how apps are created and run, on emulators and real devices. Comprehensive instructions on use of the app creation software. App screen design. How to include text fields, buttons, images, radio buttons, checkboxes, toggle buttons, star rating bars, drop-down menus, connecting to and displaying web pages, incorporating audio and video. Multi-screen apps and how to provide navigation between them. Passing data between screens. Coding user interaction and input, including text, numbers, email addresses etc. Providing clickable links in app screens (hyperlinks). Checking user input and handling errors. Saving (game) data, data storage, writing to and reading from external files. Code for app samples include an adventure game with multiple locations, shopping list, personal journal, vehicle price calculator with options etc. Debugging. Creating your own app icon. Registering as a Google Play developer. Complete check list and instructions given for uploading and releasing your app. How to update once released. How to get further help to move on.

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