Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Color Image Watermarking : Algorithms And Technologies

Color Image Watermarking : Algorithms And Technologies

This book presents watermarking algorithms derived from signal processing methods such as wavelet transform, matrix decomposition and cosine transform to address the limitations of current technologies. For each algorithm, mathematical foundations are explained with analysis conducted to evaluate performances on robotness and efficiency. Combining theories and practice, it is suitable for information security researchers and industrial engineers.

Table of content:

Chapter 1 Introduction - information hiding

Chapter 2 Mathematical foundation for digital watermarking technology - Fourier transform, Cosine transform, Wavelet transfer, Matrix decomposition (SVD decomposition, Schur decomposition, QR decomposition, Hessenberg matrix factorization)

Chapter 3 Color Image - introduction, color image parameters, color image representation space (RGB color space, YIQ color space, YUV color space, YCbCr color space), perceptual representation space (HSI color space, HSV color space)

Chapter 4 Watermarking algorithm based on DC Coefficient - Introduction, DC coefficient modification in space domain, space domain algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness)

Chapter 5 Watermarking algorithm for double blind color image based on integer wavelet transform (IWT) - introduction, coding and IWT, algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness)

Chapter 6 Watermarking algorithm based on SVD decomposition - introduction, decomposition and compensation optimization, algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness)

Chapter 7 Watermarking algorithm for double blind color image based Schur decomposition - introduction, Schur decomposition, algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness)

Chapter 8 Watermarking algorithm for double blind color image based on QR decomposition - introduction, QR decomposition, algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness, comparison among different algorithms)

Chapter 9 Watermarking algorithm based on Hessenberg decomposition - introduction, Hessenberg decomposition, algorithms and performance evaluation (invisibility, robustness)

Chapter 10 Summary and outlook


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